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Evil-doer BrokenstarTUG2 Full Name Brokenstar Alias Brokentail (warrior; prisoner)

Brokenpaw (apprentice)Brokenkit (kitten)

Origin Warriors: The Prophecies Begin Occupation Current:

NoneFormerly:Dark Forest residentThunderClan prisonerRogueLeader of ShadowClan

Powers / Skills Combat


Hobby Instigating wars and conflicts with other Clans.

Fighting.Training warriors for ShadowClan from a young age.Gaining power.


Become leader of ShadowClan (Yellowfang's Secret; succeeded).Make ShadowClan the dominant Clan of the forest (Into the Wild; failed).Destroy ThunderClan in revenge for driving him out of the forest (Fire and Ice; failed).Help Tigerclaw become leader of ThunderClan (Forest of Secrets; failed).Destroy all four forest Clans (Omen of the Stars; failed).


Mass murder (including child murder)Attempted genocideUsurpationRegicidePatricideTreasonTerritorial aggressionTerrorismExtortionWarmongeringUtilization of child soldiersEnforced starvationKidnappingIncriminationBlackmailChild abuseElder abuse and neglect

Type of Villain Tyrannical Social Darwinist

“ You will all stay here. You will all be loyal to me. Or I will kill every one of you. (...) Say nothing to any cat. You will fight alongside us. And if I hear any one of you spreading rumors and lies among your Dark Forest Clanmates, you will suffer beyond anything you have ever known. „ ~ Brokenstar threatening the Dark Forest trainees into loyalty. “ Pride is not important. Power is important, and the willingness to use it. „ ~ Brokenstar in The Last Hope. “ I'm going to shred you till there's nothing left to join StarClan. „ ~ Brokenstar threatening Firestar after killing Ferncloud - also his last words.

Brokenstar is one of the two secondary antagonists (alongside Ashfur) of Erin Hunter's Warriors book series.

He was ShadowClan's former leader and one of the leaders of The Place of No Stars, prior to his final death. Born to Yellowfang, ShadowClan's, later ThunderClan's former medicine cat in a forbidden relationship, he was the last surviving kit of her litter. When he was alive, he was known for his brutality and conspired with Tigerclaw, before being poisoned by Yellowfang, who revealed her true identity to him, at last.

After his death he went to the Dark Forest, where he served as one of the leaders of the wicked spirits, planning on attacking the living cats by using some of their Clan warriors, whom they were training for their goal. During The Great Battle he led his patrol to attack on ThunderClan's camp, where he personally raided nursery and killed Ferncloud, one of the queens protecting it. Moments after that he faced Firestar before being killed by his mother, Yellowfang a second time, fading away forever.

Contents 1 Biography 1.1 Yellowfang's Secret/ Blackfoot’s Reckoning 1.2 Bluestar's Prophecy 1.3 Exile from ShadowClan 1.4 Into the Wild 1.5 Fire and Ice 1.6 Forest of Secrets 1.7 The New Prophecy 1.8 Omen of The Stars 2 Appearance 3 Personality 4 Relationships 4.1 Family 5 Quotes 6 Trivia 7 External Links 8 Navigation Biography[] Yellowfang's Secret/ Blackfoot’s Reckoning[]

Yellowfang, a devoted ShadowClan medicine cat, gives birth to three kittens, despite it being against the rules of being a medicine cat to do so. One of her two daughters died very shortly after birth and the other one was stillborn. However, one kitten did survive. A genetic problem causes her one remaining kit to have an upward bend in his tail, making it look similar to a broken branch. Yellowfang calls him Brokenkit, not because of his tail, but because of her sorrow over her deceased daughters.

He is then given to nursing to the Clan's sole queen, Lizardstripe, who proceeds to abuse him emotionally and physically, making sure that he knows that he's unwanted by her. Yellowfang resumes her medicine cat's duties, resigning from Brokenkit as her son, despite continually thinking about him and about his safety under Lizardstripe. Eventually, the queen's kits are allowed to go outside the nursery for the first time since their birth, Brokenkit included. He receives praise from his Clanmates, but to Yellowfang's observation, none of the praises seem warm or supportive and majority of the Clan begins to wonder who Brokenkit's real mother is. One day, Lizardstripe's kits begin to mock and laugh at Brokenkit due to his unknown heritage, which is stopped when Yellowfang intervenes, taking him on a small walk. He reveals to her that his foster mother hates him, which the medicine cat doesn't believe at first, but changes her mind when her son adds that he overheard Lizardstripe admitting that to one of the warriors. Yellowfang takes him with her to help her in medicine cat duties, during which both begin to bond, but that is suddenly interrupted when Brokenkit scoffs upon the idea of learning herbs, an idea which Yellowfang suggested.

Blackpaw befriends Brokenkit when the kit insists it doesn't matter how his father is, and Blackpaw forms a kinship with him since Brokenkit doesn't know who is mother is either. When Ashheart sharply scolds Brokenpaw for harming Deerpaw during training and threatens a paw against him, Blackfoot stops her. Brokenpaw insists the rules are meaningless since they'll be injured in real battles. Ashheart insists she was merely trying to scare Brokenpaw, and notes there's something odd about him. When Blackfoot confronts Brokenpaw about it after, he notes he doesn't need friends. Blackfoot is shocked by the younger tom's anger, though pities him, thinking he just needs a cat who understands him.

Another day, he steals some moss from the medicine den, which causes him to get shouted at by Sagewhisker, who tells Yellowfang to punish her son, which she refrains from. He adds that the medicine cats can go and collect some more of it, before his littermates return, resuming their mockery. Brokenkit then hits Deerkit in the face, before turning to Yellowfang, whom he proceeds to blame for all that happened, before running off. Afterwards, he avoids entering the medicine den in the following days, while starting to train with his biological father, Raggedpelt. Some moons later, Brokenkit, now Brokenpaw, is apprenticed to Nightpelt, towards whom he is disdained, due to his mentor's health problems. He also continually disobeys him and trains with his claws unsheathed.

During his first Gathering Brokenpaw starts a fight with two WindClan apprentices, which causes him to get reprimanded by Cedarstar, who then proceeds to take his Clan away once the Gathering ended. Some time after, he trains with the other apprentices with their claws unsheathed, which results in Tanglepaw getting injured, much to Yellowfang's horror. When Raggedpelt becomes the Clan's new leader after Cedarstar's death, Brokenpaw shouts his father's leader name with joy, before boasting infront of the other apprentices. He is made warrior early by his father, despite not having passed his final assessements, receiving name Brokentail. Upon learning that Raggedstar made Cloudpelt his deputy after Foxheart's death, Brokentail is disgusted by this decision, although easens down when his father promises that he'll become his next deputy, if anything were to happen to Cloudpelt. However, the latter suddenly dies from injures sustained in a border dispute nearby WindClan, which prompts Raggedstar to make Brokentail his deputy. The resulting choice causes both of Brokentail's parents to experience visions of fighting kits, which horrify Raggedstar and make him admit his mistake in making his son the deputy.

Some time later, Brokentail rushes inside the ShadowClan camp and declares that their leader has been killed by WindClan warriors. He postpones his journey to the Moonstone on the next day, shown to be grieving for his father, despite Yellowfang's suspicion. After receiving his leader name, Brokenstar, he swears vengeance against WindClan, before making the Clan's kits apprentices, aswell as declaring that from now on, every cat hunts for themselves, cats will train only to fight and banishing the elders.

On the next Gathering, he assures other Clans that ShadowClan is stronger than ever, as well as introducing Badgerpaw as the newest apprentice, much to the shock of the medicine cats, who claim that the kit is too small to be an apprentice. After the Gathering, Brokenstar kills Yellowfang's younger siblings and frames her for the murder, which is believed by the majority of ShadowClan, including her own mother, who disowns her. He then exiles his mother, prompting Yellowfang to promise herself that she will defeat Brokenstar, as she leaves the Clan's territory.

Bluestar's Prophecy[]

Brokenpaw is mentioned as a new ShadowClan apprentice at the gathering by Leopardfoot, a Thunderclan warrior. She also says that he got in a fight with two RiverClan apprentices, breaking a truce until Oakheart, a RiverClan warrior broke it up. Raggedstar, Brokenpaw's father, was said to be furious.

Exile from ShadowClan[]

With Brokenstar leader of ShadowClan after his father's death, he has prioritized fighting over hunting in the Clan. Despite this, the Clan has remained strong and a majority of the Clan supports him. Brokenstar calls a Clan meeting to send the elders away since they're no longer useful and take up room. The rest of the Clan doesn't disagree, to Nightpelt leads the elders away. Nightpelt and the medicine cats believe Brokenstar is wrong, but StarClan has not intervened. Brokenstar later exiles Featherstorm after the death of her son Mosspaw during a training exercise. He also names her two other kits, Volekit and Dawnkit, apprentices before they are six moons old. Nightpelt presses to Runningnose to do something since Mosspaw died so young, but Runningnose insists he can't do anything since Brokenstar is Clan leader.

Brokenstar leads a battle patrol to attack WindClan and ordered Ashfur to join the elders after the gray tom questioned him. When Nightpelt asks for a medicine cat to treat Poolcloud's wounds after a fox attack, Brokenstar initially refuses his request until Yellowfang insists upon it. Poolcloud dies, though Yellowfang blames Brokenstar. Brokenstar orders Littlepaw and Volepaw to kill rats in the Carrionplace as part of their warrior assessments. Brokenstar inists to Nightpelt that this will make the apprentices stronger and he mocks Nightpelt's own mentoring when Brokenstar was his apprentice. Littlepaw and Volepaw barely manage to kill one rat when they are swarmed by others. Volepaw's too injured to fully recover and Brokenstar insists that Runningnose shouldn't waste his time treating the young apprentice. To protect Volepaw, Clawface and Runningnose take him to Nightpelt's camp and lie to the Clan that he died. Later, Brokenstar claims that Yellowfang killed Brightflower's kits and he exiles her.

Brokenstar leads his Clan into battle to drive WindClan away from their territory. Nightpelt grows tired of what ShadowClan has become and believes the only way to save his Clan is to fight Brokenstar. His allies believe challenging their leader would break the warrior code, but Nightpelt is insistent. Brokenstar orders Clawface to steal kits from ThunderClan to train as apprentices, and Nightpelt, the elders, Yellowfang, and ThunderClan team up to save them and drive out Brokenstar. Brokenstar is prepared to challenge Yellowfang when she attacks, and the camp erupts into battle. Brokenstar reveals that he killed Raggedstar and Brightflower's kits and the Clan turns on him. Brokenstar flees, and Nightpelt steps up as ShadowClan's leader in his place. However, StarClan refuses to grant him nine lives since they still recognize Brokenstar as leader.

Into the Wild[]

Brokenstar is first seen at Firepaw's first Gathering. The first thing that Firepaw and Graypaw notice is that is ShadowClan apprentices are very small, which is later revealed that Brokenstar trains them at only three moons when they are supposed to be six moons old to start training, and makes them warriors at five. When the Gathering begins he says that he needs more food and water and territory for starving kits and he says that WindClan failed to understand and that he had to drive them out so that he and his clan could have their territory. RiverClan's leader, Crookedstar, says that he will share his territory with ShadowClan, but ThunderClan's leader, Bluestar, says that she will think about it. Near the end of the Gathering, he mentions Yellowfang and that he exiled her and that she tried to murder kits, it is later revealed that he killed the kits, he tells the Clans not to take Yellowfang in. Brokenstar later sends Clawface, a ShadowClan warrior, to kidnap Frostfur's kits. When he does, he kills Spottedleaf, the ThunderClan medicine cat, and ThunderClan suspects Yellowfang of the murder because she leaves ThunderClan to go save the kits to prove her loyalty to ThunderClan. Yellowfang later raids ShadowClan with Firepaw, Graypaw, a ThunderClan patrol, and some ShadowClan elders that have been kicked out earlier. They win the battle, and drive Brokenstar and his allies out of ShadowClan.

Fire and Ice[]

After being driven out of ShadowClan, Brokenstar and his team of rogues decide to raid the ThunderClan camp. They attack with Fireheart being the only warrior there. Later, one of his clanmates is killed and the rest of the rogues are driven out of camp, and Yellowfang blinds him. Then, Brokenstar is taken into custody as a prisoner of ThunderClan.

Forest of Secrets[]

Brokenstar, now called Brokentail, is still a prisoner of ThunderClan, but he seems to get along with Tigerclaw very well, because every night, Fireheart catches them talking to each other as if they were friends. Then, the other clans find out that Brokentail is still alive, and WindClan and ShadowClan launch an attack on ThunderClan to kill Brokentail, but Thunderclan fights back, saving Brokentail's life. Later, Brokentail's old group of rogues attack the camp and Brokentail attacks the cats guarding him as Tigerclaw aids the rogues in the attack. After the skirmish is over and Tigerclaw is exiled, Yellowfang feeds him deathberries and reveals her true identity to him as he dies, much to his disbelief.

The New Prophecy[]

He is mentioned in Sunset by Tigerstar, who reveals to Darkstripe that they're in the Place of No Stars. Darkstripe scents him and attempts to call him shortly after, but Tigerstar replies that Brokenstar won't answer him, since every cat has to walk alone in this place.

Omen of The Stars[]

Brokenstar appears as one of the leaders of the Dark Forest cats, actively corrupting and training currently alive cats to be warriors for the Dark Forest so they can assist in their coming attack on the forest. Although unnamed, he first appears assisting Breezepelt in attacking Jayfeather, who came to protect pregnant Poppyfrost from the former. After Honeyfern from StarClan arrives to help the ThunderClan medicine cat, Breezepelt and Brokenstar flee. Later along with Tigerstar and Hawkfrost he appears in ThunderClan's nursery, observing the newborn kits of Berrynose and Poppyfrost, with malicious grins, much to Jayfeather's and Lionblaze's horror, before disappearing.

Upon returning to the Dark Forest, he watches Hawkfrost's and Breezepelt's training session while criticizing them. However he gets sneered at by Hawkfrost for his failed attempt of killing Jayfeather, which Brokenstar justifies with the fact that he didn't expect StarClan's help to come, to which Hawkfrost warns him to never underestimate his enemy. He fuels Breezepelt's hatred towards his father, Crowfeather, along with Tigerstar and Darkstripe. When Jayfeather, Spottedleaf and Yellowfang visit the Place of No Stars, he stands in their way, mocking them about letting them pass only if they will allow him to visit StarClan, to which he is denied and forbids them from going further, yet he disappears once the visitors begin to walk back. Next he is seen by Ivypaw on the gathering of the Dark Forest spirits, sitting beneath the boulder. Suddenly he stands up and decides to test Ivypaw's skills and promises her that he has special mission for her. Once she passes her test, he orders her to kill Flametail, a wandering StarClan spirit who got lost, which Ivypaw declines, prompting him to sneer at her at first, before taunting her and doubting her loyalty to the Dark Forest. However Tigerstar appears in the last moment and assures him of the apprentice's loyalty. Some time later he introduces one of his new recruits to Hawkfrost and the trainees, whom Ivypool recognizes as her fellow Clanmate, Blossomfall, much to her shock.

During Ivypool's another visit in the Dark Forest, he hosts another Gathering, informing the gathered cats of the upcoming battle and to await his signal. After the meeting, when Ivypool asks him to make her a full fledged Dark Forest warrior, he tests her by ordering her to kill Antpelt's spirit, which she does. However he doesn't inform her of the exact time of the battle, much to Ivypool's disappointment. When the time of the battle finally comes near, he, along with the other Dark Forest leaders, informs the chosen trainees that passed their trainings, Ivypool included, to prepare, at last. Although one of the trainees, Beetlewhisker becomes horrified, having just realized the spirit cats' true intentions, wants to leave the dark place and return to his Clan, but Brokenstar blocks his way, before murdering him and tossing his body aside. He then proceeds to threaten other trainees, forcing them to fight for the Dark Forest cause, whether they want it or not. During the Great Battle, he is seen attacking nursery in ThunderClan's camp, dragging Ferncloud out of it, before killing her. This action is noticed by Firestar who catches his attention. The dark brown tabby tom, watches gleefully at the helpless ThunderClan leader and threatens to shred him till there's nothing left to join StarClan. Suddenly, Yellowfang appears and bites into her son's neck, killing him, before dropping his body on the ground and leaving it to fade to nothing.


Brokenstar is a massive, scarred, dark brown tabby tom with orange eyes and tail bent in the middle like a broken branch. He also has very long, thick, matted and ragged fur, torn ears and a broad, flat face.

Personality[] “ Raggedstar always thought his son would make a great leader. He was blind to all of Brokentail's faults --his cunning, his ruthlessness, his violent nature. „ ~ Yellowfang about Brokenstar “ He always knew how to give a good speech. He could make you believe a mouse was a rabbit if he set his mind to it. „ ~ Yellowfang about Brokenstar's manipulation skills and charisma

Brokenstar is one of the darkest villains in the Warriors series. Incredibly brutal, cruel, arrogant and sadistic, Brokenstar made it a habit of his own to murder and terrorize other cats all just for power and pleasure.

As a leader, Brokenstar was selfish and violent. He was constantly attacking other Clans in order to take their land and drive them out. He was also a cruel and terrorizing leader, making up harsh rules for his cats to live in. He did not mind murdering other cats to achieve what he wanted. He was also very aggressive and battle-hungry, as he intentionally tried to provoke a war with WindClan and later drove them out when he became leader to take their territory.

Brokenstar is probably best known for being violent. As an apprentice, he asked multiple times to change his mentor because he was not "teaching him enough battle moves" and because he was "too soft". As the deputy of his clan, Brokenstar murdered his own father (who was leader at that time), in order to become leader himself. He then begun to harshly train kits younger than 6 moons (kits become apprentices at the age of 6 moons ) strict battle moves and send them into battle. He also exiled elders of his clan and left them to fend for themselves because they were "useless" to the clan.

Brokenstar has shown to have absolutely no respect for other cats and clans, insulting any cat he sees. He has also been shown to be very callous towards his clan and other cats, only caring about himself. He does not care who dies or who gets injured, if he gets what he wants that's all that matters to him. It is also shown that he is remorseless of his actions, and seeing that if someone is too old or injured to fight they are better to be exiled because of them being a liability to the Clan.

He's also very manipulative and easily leads others to believe him, such as when he accused ShadowClan's medicine cat Yellowfang of killing Mintkit and Marigoldkit, which he did himself and the clan believed him unhesitatingly. In addition, he has inspired some of his clan mates, such as Clawface, to live by his brutal Darwinistic beliefs.

Relationships[] Family[] Raggedstar (father) Yellowfang (mother) Hopekit (sister) Wishkit (sister) Lizardstripe (foster mother) Deerfoot (foster brother) Tangleburr (foster sister) Runningnose (foster brother) Quotes[] “ I've come to tell you not to waste your efforts with Cloudpelt. His time is over. He would never have been able to lead ShadowClan. There is only one cat who can do that after Raggedstar. I will be the next leader of ShadowClan. „ ~ Brokentail to Yellowfang as she tries to save a dying Cloudpelt “ StarClan will do nothing to stop me, old cat. I have made their Clan glorious! Let them try! You certainly won't stop me. „ ~ Brokenstar when Yellowfang threatens to have his leadership revoked “ Brokenstar: Yellowfang, you cannot stay here. For your own safety, you must leave. Yellowfang: You mean, j-join the elders? Brokenstar: No. I cannot protect you within this territory after what has happened. Your Clanmates are too angry over these deaths. You have to understand that I don't want to do this, but I have no choice. I must banish you from ShadowClan. „ ~ Brokenstar banishing Yellowfang from ShadowClan “ Brokenstar: I never thought you'd be harder to kill than my father! Yellowfang: You killed Raggedstar? Brokenstar: You found his body. didn't you recognize my fur between his claws? He was a soft and foolish leader. He deserved to die. Yellowfang: No! And Brightflower's kits? Did they deserve to die too? Brokenstar: Those kits were weak. They would have been no use to ShadowClan. If I hadn't killed them, some other warrior would have. I should have killed you when I had the chance. It seems I must have some of my father's softness. I was a fool to let you leave ShadowClan alive! „ ~ Brokenstar revealing that he killed Raggedstar, Mintkit and Marigoldkit “ Don't waste your time, apprentice! I've shared dreams with StarClan. You will have to kill me nine times over before I join them. Do you really think you're strong enough for that? „ ~ Brokenstar when Firepaw tries to fight him “ Yellowfang: Lie still, Brokentail. You have lost a life. You're going to be fine. Brokentail: What do you mean? If I've got another life left, why do my wounds still hurt? Yellowfang: StarClan have healed the wound that killed you. The others still need the skill of a medicine cat. Brokentail: Then what are you waiting for, you scrawny old pest? Get on with it. Give me something for this pain. Yellowfang: All right, I will. Here. Eat these berries, and the pain will go away for good. (Yellowfang hands him deathberries, which he eats) you and my Clan cast me out and I came here. I was a prisoner, just like you. But ThunderClan treated me well, and at last they trusted me enough to be their medicine cat. You could have earned their trust, too. But now - will any cat trust you ever again? Brokentail: Do you think I care? Yellowfang: I know you care for nothing, Brokentail. Not your Clan, nor your honor, nor your own kin. Brokentail: I have no kin. Yellowfang: Wrong. Your kin have been closer to you than you ever dreamed. I'm your mother, Brokentail. Brokentail: Spiders have spun webs in your brain, old one. Medicine cats never have kits. Yellowfang: That's why I had to give you up. But I never stopped caring... never. When you were a young warrior, I was so proud of you. And then you murdered Raggedstar. Your own father. You killed kits of our Clan, and made me take the blame. You would have destroyed our Clan completly. So now it is time to put an end to all tjis treachery. Brokentail: An end? What do you mean, you old... (Brokentail tries to stand, but finds his paws are going numb) What have you done? I can't... can't feel my paws. Can't breathe... Yellowfang: I fed you deathberries. I know this is your last life, Brokentail. Medicine cats always know. Now no cat will ever be hurt again because of you. „ ~ Brokentail finding out Yellowfang is his mother as he dies Trivia[] He has the second largest direct kill count of a single cat in the series, at 11 in total. Darktail has a direct kill count of 16, however if we include Raggedstar's 9 lives Brokenstar will have a higher direct kill count. Brokenstar disliked being touched outside of battle. Its revealed on author Victoria Holmes' Facebook that Brokenstar's greatest fear was not being respected by others. He's the only cat to die on-page of deathberry poisoning. He's mistakenly describes as having black fur multiple times. In Cats of the Clans, Rock mistakenly says that Brokenstar never knew Raggedstar was his father. External Links[] Brokenstar on the Warriors Wiki Navigation[] WARLORD Villains

ShadowClan Ripplestar | Brokenstar | Tigerstar | Blackstar | Jaggedtooth | Darkstripe | Darktail | Sleekwhisker | Berryheart | Clawface | Lizardstripe | Redwillow | Juniperclaw

ThunderClan Mapleshade | Thistleclaw | Tigerstar | Darkstripe | Ashfur

RiverClan Hawkfrost | Curlfeather | Splashtail | Rushtooth

WindClan Onestar | Mudclaw | Antpelt | Breezepelt | Houndleap

SkyClan Sol | Skystar | Star Flower

BloodClan Scourge | Bone | Jaggedtooth | Fury | Brick | Hoot and Jumper

The Dark Forest Tigerstar | Brokenstar | Hawkfrost | Thistleclaw | Mapleshade | Darkstripe | Shredtail | Snowtuft | Antpelt | Breezepelt | Clawface | Redwillow | Silverhawk | Juniperclaw | Darktail | Houndleap | Sparrowfeather | Rushtooth | Maggottail

The Kin Darktail | Rain | Sleekwhisker | Raven | Nettle | Roach | Juniperclaw

TigerClan Tigerstar | Blackfoot | Darkstripe | Jaggedtooth

Rogues Sol | One Eye | Star Flower | Tom | Slash's Group (Slash, Snake, Beetle, Splinter, Bee, Ember, Swallow) | Stripes's Group (Stripes) | Jacques and Susan | Darktail | Rain | Dodge's Group (Dodge) | Jaggedtooth | Willie's Group (Willie, Snapper, Tess, Pounce)

Non-Cats Dog Pack | Rats (Rat Leader) | Sharptooth | Mouthclaw | Rage and Fury | Thorntooth






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